Our team comprises a broad and strong expertise for addressing important questions within environmental research, geochronology, archaeology, and ore geology with scientific outcome relevant for central eastern Europe and beyond.
Team members
The Team
Dr. Daniel VERES
Principal Investigator
Dr. Veres is a geologist and paleoclimatologist with specialization on disentangling past environmental change and human impact, tracing pat metal pollution and human impact, the reconstruction of the terrestrial response to millennial-scale climate variability, and tephrochronology.
Webpage: https://www.isercluj.com/personnel
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.ro/citations?user=1OxRfkoAAAAJ&hl=en
Dr. Vasile ERSEK
Senior Researcher
Dr Ersek is a palaeoclimatologist and geochemist with expertise in past climate changes and human-environment interactions. His research is spanning cave and karst science, atmospheric processes, paleoclimatology/palaeoceanography, and peat geochemistry. His current research focuses on using geochemical methods in speleothems, water, and peat deposits to understand past changes in climate and environment.
Webpage: https://www.northumbria.ac.uk/about-us/our-staff/e/vasile-ersek/
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=IsDq9XMAAAAJ&hl=en
Dr. Călin Gabriel Tămaș
Field of interests: mineralogy (ore minerals), ore deposits (Au, Ag, Pb, Zn, Cu etc.), mining archaeology (surface and underground)
Dr. Longman is an environmental geochemist with expertise in volcanic ash diagenesis and its impact on the carbon cycle, controls on marine organic matter preservation, heavy metal pollution through time, human-climate interactions through the Holocene using terrestrial archives, development of mass spectrometric techniques and probabilistic modelling.
Webpage: https://uol.de/en/icbm/marine-isotope-geochemistry/staff/dr-jack-longman
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=pt-pqdkAAAAJ&hl=en
Postdoctoral researcher
Dr. Aritina HALIUC
Postdoctoral Researcher
Dr. Aritina Haliuc is a early career researcher in paleoclimatology/paleoenvironments interested in solving the mysteries of the Earth using multi-proxy approaches on natural records.
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